253... That is the number of times the word wait shows up in Psalms alone.
Wait- I’m tired of that word. Wait- It makes me want to grit my teeth. Wait- Or better yet scream out loud.
Wait- But in this word there is a great lesson.
A great lesson I do not want to have to learn, because I am impatient. I am fickle. What I want on a lot of things changes with the phase of the moon, because that is the type of world we live in.
Instant gratification is only a click away. We can have groceries delivered (which is amazing in case you are wondering). We can access millions of movies, shows, songs, videos in an instant on any on of the dozens of devices in our home. We can take a phone call, respond to a text using only voice commands, or have a 3x8 inch device tell us exactly how to get somewhere all while hurtling down the turnpike at a solid, law-abiding citizen’s speed of 75. Do you think Mr. Ford would have ever even fathomed something so crazy?
As a generation (or three), we have grown accustomed to no wait time. As a people, we have become overstimulated and over worked because we are always accessible. As an individual, I have become spoiled. Specifically, spoiled by my being able to access results to important things in almost real time. Grades on tests my children have studied night after night for, the score of a Bedlam game to determine bragging rights for a few weeks in our home (Go Pokes!), the weather report 10 days in advance, and the most important to us right now... the results to my Oncotype test that will shed some light on what type of cancer treatment I will be facing in the next few weeks.
Obviously, some things are more important than others, but this mentality of not wanting to wait is a problem that spreads much further than this one issue. It is a heart problem, a spirit problem even. I want things done in MY time. I want the results on the timeline I had previously established in my own head and heart, but what I am saying loudest here is I want some form of control in a situation where yet again, my body has taken that idea of control away and reminded me that it was never mine to begin with.
I am tired, friend, exhausted really. I am exhausted from trying to do a job above my pay grade and battle things beyond my control.
I need to stop with the giving things to God and then frantically trying to take them right back.
I need the peace that comes with resting firmly at the foot of the cross and knowing that I do not have control because someone much more powerful does.
I need rest, in my Father’s arms and maybe, just maybe you do too.
So, when we hear WAIT from now on, let’s get excited... like when someone cancels early Saturday morning plans or a snow days shows up. Let’s use the unexpected time to rest, to spend time we didn’t think we would have with our family or friends before taking off on our next big adventure, and most importantly to bask in the love of a Father who wants us to have time to be ready for the next big battle and loves us enough to give us just that.
Wait... wrapped in His love.
“I wait quietly before God, for my victory comes from him.”- Psalms 62:1 NLT
Hi I’m Jen-
a small town, Oklahoma girl married to a superhero. Together, we are raising a family on second chances, shiplap, and a shoestring.
I am a firm believer in grace, organization, and efficiency. I find great satisfaction in taking broken items and giving them new life, likely because that is exactly what God did for me.
I over use the word shine, exclamation points, and emojis. I cheer too loud in the stands of my kids’ activities and hug more than is socially acceptable. A natural born encourager and armchair warrior, I am learning to redefine my mission field and make the most of each day I am given.
I am chronically ill and chronically positive- not necessarily in that order. I am learning to practice perseverance over perfection and long for the day I get to see my grandparents and Jesus’ face.
Until then, I am just looking for Grace in the Grind.