Heather Meadows

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Carla's Column: My Mom

My mom is incredible!  Now, that is a bold statement to make right up front. 

When I became a mom 30 years ago, I began to realize the magnitude and responsibility that goes with that title.

Most will agree that parenting can be the most challenging yet most rewarding job on the planet.  And, it is definitely not for the weak.  I have said that so many times to so many people. 

I am the third of four girls so my mom had her work cut out for her. And since none of us are anything alike, it was probably like starting over four times.  Through all of the ups and downs, victories and disappointments, Mom was there.  She was a constant yet never overbearing presence in our lives. 

Corene Meyer is a natural redhead, which puts her in only 2% of the world’s population.  She is a rare one, indeed!  At 82 years old, she is still spunky and vivacious and just an all-out joy to be around.


Serving is her gift and let me tell you that is a hard act to follow as that is not my strong suit.  At every family meal or gathering, she is the last one to sit down at the table making sure that others have what they need.  Then she might sit down and make an observation that something is missing and pop right back up to get it.  Up and down, yes, up and down until we finally get her to just sit down.

She cannot help herself because serving others is what she does. 

Through her church, she is involved in women and missionary groups that reach out to unwed mothers and also prepare bags for truckers while they are on the road that contain toiletries, snacks and homemade goodies.  It is not unusual for her to whip up some kind of food or dessert for people or to make regular visits to those who are shut in and need a friend.

Speaking of food, she is a woman who is known for her cooking and can make some kind of wonderful concoction from whatever she finds in her pantry (without the help of Pinterest). 

She will not join in on a conversation that puts someone in a bad light, but instead she will say that there is something good in everyone.  Unlike my dad and myself, she is a woman of few words, but when she speaks, people listen.

You know, we all have a desire to be loved and accepted. 

I believe we especially want to know that our mother accepts us with all of our strengths and weaknesses. 

While some people know who are the obvious favorites in families, Mom has never played favorites.  Actually, she makes EACH of us feel that we are her favorite.

Mom taught me through her words and actions to be kind and, you know, kindness goes a long way.  She wanted me to look for the best in people and in situations and to think of others above myself.  Oh, and, most importantly, the thread that weaves all of these amazing attributes together is her faith in the Lord.

She is a woman of prayer. Period.  She prays and prays and prays.  It is not that she prays out loud in front of everyone, but I do know that she is on the front lines praying for each of us and whatever situation we are in whether we put ourselves in that situation or not.  She does not judge or criticize, but offers wisdom and insight she has gathered through the years. 

You probably know where I am going with this.  I am headed straight to the Proverbs 31 passage that says in part that Corene Meyer is CLOTHED with STRENGTH and DIGNITY.  And, when that redheaded feisty woman speaks, HER WORDS are WISE and SHE GIVES INSTRUCTIONS with KINDNESS.  It is that kindness I was referring to earlier.

SHE definitely WATCHES EVERYTHING IN HER HOUSEHOLD and she has to because my dad is constantly misplacing things and accusing her of hiding them which is just hilarious.  This is a bit of an aside, but I laugh at the fact that my dad thinks my mom would spend the time hiding his flashlight.  Let me tell you, my parents are corkers and they made growing up interesting for sure.

Back when we had a ginormous garden, my mom would tell us that if we did not work then we would not eat in the winter.   It was her own Little Red Hen story.  SHE definitely IS NOT LAZY.  Not then and not now.

Yes, HER CHILDREN and even her grand, great and great-great grandchildren and even the sons-in-law, STAND and BLESS HER.   And my dad, HER HUSBAND, PRAISES HER because she has cared for him, loved and cherished him and laughed at all of his jokes for the past 57 years.

I am thankful, grateful and blessed to have such a Godly woman who is full of faith to call Mom.

Charm is deceptive, and beauty does not last; but a woman who fears the Lord will be greatly praised.  Reward her for all she has done.  Let her deeds publicly declare her praise.  Proverbs 31:30-31 NLT