Heather Meadows

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Carla's Column: It Is Time


It is that time again!  

It is that wonderful time for me to strap on my brightly colored tennis shoes, Fitbit, running shorts and shirt that help me look and feel like a runner and a fanny pack to prepare for my walk/run that is actually my morning therapy.

Now let me confess that it is a BIG DEAL for me to get up an hour earlier than needed to get this in because I like to hit the snooze button.

Anyhow, come rain or shine, I hit the pavement or gravel for some me time, or me-and-God time.  Walking on a treadmill does not provide the change of scenery I need so it is outside or nothing.

During these long walks, I sometimes decide to pray through some things or just talk things out that are rumbling around in my head.  Either way, I speak out loud to myself or to the Lord. There have been tough days when the weight of things I am dealing with has brought me to tears and I do the loud, ugly cry.   And, there are times when I am just so thankful that I wear a smile and have a spring in my step.

You know how that is; it is just life.

I have often thought that the neighbors might be looking through their mini blinds and thinking that I am a crazy woman.  Regardless, that does not bother me at all because walking is free therapy and I am on a mission.

Many times I choose to crank the volume up on my iphone to listen to sermons from various speakers or select a book in the Bible on the YouVersion app and just listen to the Word being read.  I do wish the readers had some kind of a British accent or major voice inflection to go along with the incredible stories.

This sounds unusual perhaps and it is, but I do not like to use earphones.  Yes, I have tried them before, but inevitably the movement of my arms just pulls them right out of my ears and it is quite painful.  So, much to the amusement or chagrin of those living in the neighborhood houses I pass by, I turn my volume to the highest setting and stuff my phone in the earlier mentioned fanny pack.

 Now, my arms are free to swing back and forth and I am unrestrained if I want to use my hands in my conversation with the Lord or myself.  My level of communication would change if I could not use my hands for emphasis.

Perhaps talking with my hands is hereditary as my dad purchased a lamb at an auction one time simply by talking to someone with his hands.  He just flat out won the bid even though he had not intended to purchase that sickly sheep.  The poor thing died three days later.

Anyway, at times as I am running, the words from some of my favorite speakers are blaring out scripture or encouragement or faith-based stories and I know that the neighbors get bits and portions as they are in their yards when I run by their houses.

I am convinced that someone is going to get enough of the Word that he will make a decision to want to be saved or perhaps return to the Lord if he has walked away by the segments he hears as I pass by his house several times.  One time I got a shout out from a man who said I was listening to his pastor.

At any rate, I have seen people out in public whom I did not know and they approached me and asked if I was the woman who runs in their neighborhood. I was a bit surprised that they would recognize me with my hair and makeup done, but they have been watching me even when I have not seen them.

Friends, the good news is that we have people watching us and listening to us and observing our body language even when we are unaware.  This gives us opportunities for them to know that we as believers are real and genuine people who are approachable.

We do not have to be within the confines of the church to talk to God or hear from Him because we are called to take our faith from the pew or padded seats to the pavement.  And, maybe just maybe someone will stop us and give us an opportunity to turn off our blaring iphones and show them the kindness of the Lord that ultimately leads people to repentance. 

1 Peter 3:15, “And if someone asks about your Christian hope, always be ready to explain it.”

Romans 2:4, “the kindness of God leads you to repentance.”